Frequently Asked Questions
What sort of volunteer roles are available?
Volunteer roles are available in almost every area and profession, some of which you have probably never thought of. It is estimated the average family actually relies on the services of around 20 volunteers per week. The most common volunteer roles come under the following categories:
- Admin / Clerical / Accounting
- Caring / respite / Foster Care
- Counselling / Mediation
- Food Service
- Gardening / Outdoor Activities
- Mentoring / Tutoring / reading
- Technical / Mechanical Maintenance
- Visiting / Social Support / Driving.
What geographical areas do you cover?
Most of our volunteer roles are in the Hunter and Lake Macquarie area, but we also have volunteer roles in Port Stephens, Maitland, and throughout the lower Hunter.
What hours of work are involved?
Hours can vary from role to role and depend on how much time you have available. Some organisations only need volunteers on particular mornings or afternoons, and some ask for evenings. There are even some that need volunteers for weekend work. You should remember though that the hours should be mutually agreed upon between you and the organisation.
Do volunteer organisations offer training?
The HVC runs an information session called “Bridge to Volunteering” that is designed to help volunteers to identify areas in which they might like to participate. Depending on the skills required for a role, organisations often provide additional training. For example, The Volunteer Coast Guard provides a 6 month (one day a week) course. Glendale TAFE has a 12 week (one day a week) course for volunteers in their literacy programs. Check with us during your interview and we will be able to tell you more..
Are there any special requirements for volunteers?
As a general rule, no. But in some cases there are. Certain welfare organisations require a police record check, and volunteer bus drivers must meet RTA license requirements. We will be able to tell you at your interview if you need anything special.
I don't have transport. Can I still volunteer?
Of course! We always try to find activities as close to your home as possible. If you do not have transport we will look for activities on your major bus routes.
Do I have to be unemployed to volunteer?
No. Quite a few of our volunteers are currently in full-time or part-time employment.
Can I satisfy Centrelink requirements in respect to volunteer work programs?
Yes. We are able to place Centrelink clients who are on Mutual Obligation programs. Your interviewer will be able to give you more details relating to your particular case.
Am I covered by Worker's Compensation and personal injury & liability?
Most organisations carry insurance to cover volunteers, however it is the volunteer’s responsibility to ensure coverage.