Work and Development Order
We are pleased to announce that HVC is now an approved organisation to help people with their fines and debt by providing services and activities as part of the Work and Development Order Scheme (WDO). The WDO scheme is a part of the State Debt and Recovery Office (SDRO) and provides a non-monetary way for people to reduce and clear their fines through volunteer work, courses, or treatments.
The WDO scheme is a practical and simple way to support anyone who is having trouble with debt and provides an opportunity to reduce their financial burden. The scheme is very broad with many different activities that can be undertaken as part of a WDO including; volunteer work, education or life skills courses, and mentoring programs.
Statistics from the SDRO have indicated that 82.5% of WDO clients have not received another fine or penalty since having WDO approved. The scheme has provided clients with an incentive to work and build employment opportunities. A WDO may not be the only factor in a person’s commitment to law-abiding behaviour, however, the feedback and statistics from the SDRO suggest that it can be an important trigger and can reduce reoffending in the fine enforcement system.
HVC endeavours to provide services to ensure clients are undertaking activities that are tailored to their needs and capacity while reducing their financial burden. As an approved organisation HVC can act as a platform to refer clients to other appropriate services to undertake voluntary work as part of a WDO.